Friday, January 30, 2009

Accuracy In Blogging

I think we all know by now not to trust the information we read on any blogging sites in terms of statistics and research. As a freshman, I can remember professors and T.A.s spending a decent chunk of time explaining to the class that most dot-com Web sites should not be trusted. I was told to look for sites that ended in .gov, .org or .edu to credit in research papers.

I found an article that pointed out something interesting. Now, I still don't trust blogs for more than the writer's opinion of a subject, but it made me think. The link to the article is:

Basically, it explains that when false information is published on a blog, it takes mere minutes for people to comment about the accuracy of that information. It shows us that blogs are edited too. The difference is that blogs are edited after they reach the public eye and newspapers are edited prior to reaching the public. Don't get me wrong, who is to say the people commenting on this false information are credible? The point is, who do you trust to edit?